Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hold Music...

La la la de daaaaaaaa......

Yes, I am on hold. Yes, this music is terrible. And its also French circa the 1980's. Someone needs to update their playlist.

Well, it's September. Not fall yet, but its getting close. Too close. What an uneventful summer.
On the plus side I'm starting a course in publishing at Ryerson this fall, so I will have some things to occupy me.

Also, as a general update I have now come to the conclusion that the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series (herewith referred to as ABVH) is as addicting as the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Full of full vamps and crhack.

Turns out that not only is ABVH set to turn into a TV series, but that a two (not one, but TWO) new Anita books are due out this year. One in February, which is supposedly a novella and a full length novel in June.
Despite my initial reaction to this series, I must confess I'm rather excited about these two new entries into the Anita-verse. Oh dear. Yet more hardcover books I'll need to own.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And then Buffy staked Edward.... the end.

The video version!

h/t Feministing &

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What I'm reading; Fiction Edition

Ok, ok, ok- so I've been feeling slightly supernatural lately and have been reading a whole bunch of vampire-ish novels.

I've read the entire Blood Books series by Tanya Huff- also known as Blood Ties, from the TV show.
There are 5 books in total in this series, and I enjoyed all of 'em! Granted, this isn't grand literature, but they are entertaining, fun and distracting- which is what novels should be anyway. They feature a heroine that is both strong (a former cop) and fragile- eminently beliveable as a person!

I'm also in the middle of two other novels; Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris- more popularly known as True Blood the HBO series, and Circus of the Damned by Laurell K. Hamilton, which is book 3 of the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series.
Both are parts of series, and so far both are ok. I'm enjoying the Anita Blake novel more at the moment, but that may be due to the fact that right now I keep conflating the TV show and the novel in the case of Dead Until Dark.

I also just finished another novel that I picked up on a lark at the used bookstore the other day. The Night Inside by Nancy Baker.
And, actually- ignoring the awful title and even worse cover art, this was actually surprisingly good! A really intense read about a grad student who is kidnapped to be used as 'food' for a captive vampire. Obviously the two connect and escape and chaos ensues. Yet, it was notable for illustrating the darker side of the requirement of vampirism, namely, taking another life.

(Links to Amazon: here, here, here & here)

Happy Tuesday!

Well, I'm still at work, and still not particularly busy... but I suppose I shouldn't complain about that. The weather is finally starting to act something like Spring/almost Summer... but I was kinda liking the slightly cooler temps.

Went to the ROM the other night and was rather disappointed.... not with the new building, as I think I may be one of the only Torontonians that likes the crystal structure, but with the exhibits in general. They seemed to all be too busy- as if there were too many items in the case, but without the context of the piece and without enough information about it.

I also really disliked the new dinosaur exhibit- call me old school, but I loved the way the old dinosaur exhibit was set up- the new one just doesn't cut it for me. Progress, eh?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Abortion provider shot dead: Newsflash People still suck

I just heard about this, Dr. George Tiller, one of the only late-term abortion providers in Kansas was shot yesterday at his church.
This is a horrible and criminal act; shooting anyone is.
Yet, this appears to be another case of people sticking their heads into a uterus that doesn't belong to them, and getting upset about it. The police said that they are going to look into the gunman's past to see if he has any ties to any anti-abortion groups.

Go to hell Scott Roeder, I hope you rot in jail.

Also: G. Gordon Liddy is a jerk.


Well, I've officially graduated (well, I will have on Friday, but I think it still counts), yay!

And now come the questions.... what are you doing? What is your plan? What are you doing this year?

Answer: I don't know, I don't know and I don't know. And to a certain extent, I don't care either.

I've started a new job today, office work, which will last for a few months at the least. Oh boy. An office. It amazes me how many people it requires to run things which are pointless and inconsequential. I guess most of modern life is like that though. People running things, which require other people to do other things, which then need other people to do x, y and z, which then leads to other people doing something else...

Perhaps the chilly weather has put me into a melancholy mood, or perhaps I'm just wondering why the majority of life seems so immaterial.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Six Impossible Things!

Well, it's not before breakfast anymore and creating a blog can no longer be considered something which is "impossible" (in fact, it was much too easy!), but nevertheless here I am!

The name of this blog is a quote from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass.
"Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said: "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Somedays, most days in fact, I wish I could find six impossible things before breakfast, never mind believing in them!

Actually, I was going to call this blog 'Down the Rabbit Hole,' but that appears to be a common idea and was already taken :)

So, welcome and lets see how this goes!