Monday, June 1, 2009

Abortion provider shot dead: Newsflash People still suck

I just heard about this, Dr. George Tiller, one of the only late-term abortion providers in Kansas was shot yesterday at his church.
This is a horrible and criminal act; shooting anyone is.
Yet, this appears to be another case of people sticking their heads into a uterus that doesn't belong to them, and getting upset about it. The police said that they are going to look into the gunman's past to see if he has any ties to any anti-abortion groups.

Go to hell Scott Roeder, I hope you rot in jail.

Also: G. Gordon Liddy is a jerk.


  1. Hey there. I was the one that picked Bob as my favorite secondary character on Vampire Wire. Just thought I'd visit your blog.

    Did you hear about the gunman? He WAS tied to an anti-abortion group. Psycho!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! And yes, I had read that about the gunman >,<
