Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Year, New Starts...

Well it's 2010.


I mean, where has the year gone? Where has winter gone? Where did Autumn go? And what happened to the 8-foot high snowbanks I was expecting?

It's also new job time. A few weeks ago I started an internship at Random House Canada in the production department. Although this isn't a job really, as I don't get a pay cheque, it is nevertheless a great opportunity and, aside from requiring me to wake up far too early, I find it rather fun.

I'm only helping out and doing minor changes and such, but I still get a kick out of being able to change text/graphics in a book that is going to be printed and published! There are books coming out this spring with words I've added in!

It sounds ridiculous when you say it like that but I still can't really believe it. I mean, I can walk into a Chapters, pick up a specific book and point at a page and categorically state: "This page was missing a comma. And I put that comma in!"

We can only see how the rest of the 9 weeks go!

And in other news; I'm actually on the Ryerson campus this semester taking a class in fiction editing. The profs. are great, and so far the class is a riot. But I have been less than impressed with the student services offered by Ryerson.

First the bookstore messes up our textbook/course pack order, then they have rude employees, then they give me terrible directions.

Adding onto that is the fact that the Ryerson registrar's office is also rude, short and seems to enjoy taking and keeping money that does not belong to them.

Bah humbug.

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